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I'm sorry, this page is only available in Hebrew at the moment

About Me...

My name is Orly Minirav, RD, and I enjoy eating!
I wasn't blessed with exceptional metabolism or genetics, but I refuse to regard to food as my enemy!
I've lost more than 20 kg, and have been maintaining my weight for the past 15 years.
I've always said that if I would have come up with some new trendy diet - such as a BEER DIET, I could have already been rich by now. So why didn't I?
Because I don't believe in short-term easy fixes, and there's no such thing as a 100%-proven dieting method.
I know people like hearing about other peoples' success stories, and trying them on themselves, but whatever worked for them won't necessarily work for you too.
If asked: "What's the right way to lose weight?"
I will answer: "There's no such thing as an absolute right way in the sense that one size does NOT fit all, but I would be glad to assist you in finding the right way for you! A way that will not only help you lose weight, but more importantly, help you persist and continue enjoying the things you love.
B.Sc במדעי התזונה
האוניברסיטה העברית
טיפול תזונתי בסכרת
בי"ס ללימודי המשך ברפואה
אוניברסיטת תל אביב
ביופידבק למטפלים בשילוב CBT
בית הספר לחינוך
אוניברסיטת בר אילן
Cancer Prevention Fellowship
National Institute of Health
הנחיית קבוצות במערכת הבריאות